Get involved

As a volunteer-led charity, we are reliant upon the support of our local community. Our success is underpinned by the help of local volunteers and the financial support of trusts and foundations, companies, individual donors as well as by our local authority.

Volunteer with us

could you be an artspace trustee?

We are currently looking to increase our Trustee Board membership to expand the expertise of the Board. We are particularly interested in applicants who have experience in finance and/or fundraising. The board of trustees actively support the work of the charity. This includes the overall governance, fundraising, communications and managing the accounts. Artspace does not have any paid staff members, so we are looking for a trustee who has a bit of time and is happy to become involved in the administrative running of Artspace.

Download the full details

Make a donation

We are reliant on the support of our local community. If you would like to support us in any way, please use the donation button below or fill out the form below and we will get back to you.


Our supporters

Thank you for the generous ongoing support of the individuals and organisations who generously support Artspace Brighton. We are immensely grateful.